
A human being equals noise.
From the moment of gestation
To one’s dying breath,
The elocution of remembrance
Will be the words we uttered,
The overtures our declarations (made) created.

Was there howling into the night?
Much regret left on the plate?
Did our cravings outlive us?
Did our whispers meander before fading?

When we shuffle off this mortal coil,
What will be left of our syllables in the shade?
An uncanny countdown that was frayed,
Or an uptick in thriving, littered with hope?

Held Your Hand

I held your hand that final night,
Into the twilight you went.
Me, trying to count the steps
As you took less and less breath
From the serialization of our lives together,
The sequence of events that led us here,
That moment in time. The passing of the torch,
For death seems to be that, a relay — life to non-life.

The emptiness that none of us can hear …

When I let go, I did not leave you behind
So much as grabbed the generational baton,
Ran hither and yon,
Knowing your spirit was safe with me.